Wide range temperature dependence of analytical photovoltaic cell parameters for silicon solar cells under high illumination conditions

Firoz Khan, Seong Ho Baek, Jae Hyun Kim

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68 Scopus citations


Several attempts have been made to investigate the PV cell parameters’ dependence on temperature under normal illumination conditions, although there is no report available in the literature providing information about this dependence in the case of high illumination conditions. We therefore investigate analytically the dependence on temperature of five PV cell parameters of Si solar cells under high illumination conditions. The obtained performance parameters under illumination intensities of 10 and 15 suns were, respectively: the short circuit current density, Jsc values increased by 5.38% and 2.86%; the open circuit voltage, Voc values, on the other hand, decreased approximately by 16.87% and 17.75%; the obtained fill factor, FF losses were 5.84% and 5.34%, and the overall losses in efficiency, η were approximately 17.52% and 19.91%. The losses resulting from the series resistance and surface charge recombination are reduced with an increase in temperature within the 298–353 K range, whereas the losses caused by the shunt resistance and reverse saturation current are increased. The reverse saturation current density increases by 3583% and 5988% under illumination intensities of 10 and 15 suns (1 sun = 1 kW/m2), respectively. The analytically predicted values of Voc, FF, and η showed good agreement with the experimentally measured values for the several values of Pin and T.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)715-724
Number of pages10
JournalApplied Energy
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2016

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd


  • Analytical method
  • Concentrated light
  • High illumination conditions
  • PV cell parameters
  • Solar cells
  • Temperature effect


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