Remote tactile sensing system integrated with magnetic synapse

Sunjong Oh, Youngdo Jung, Seonggi Kim, Sungjoon Kim, Xinghao Hu, Hyuneui Lim, Cheolgi Kim

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29 Scopus citations


Mechanoreceptors in a fingertip convert external tactile stimulations into electrical signals, which are transmitted by the nervous system through synaptic transmitters and then perceived by the brain with high accuracy and reliability. Inspired by the human synapse system, this paper reports a robust tactile sensing system consisting of a remote touch tip and a magnetic synapse. External pressure on the remote touch tip is transferred in the form of air pressure to the magnetic synapse, where its variation is converted into electrical signals. The developed system has high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range. The remote sensing system demonstrated tactile capabilities over wide pressure range with a minimum detectable pressure of 6 Pa. In addition, it could measure tactile stimulation up to 1,000 Hz without distortion and hysteresis, owing to the separation of the touching and sensing parts. The excellent performance of the system in terms of surface texture discrimination, heartbeat measurement from the human wrist, and satisfactory detection quality in water indicates that it has considerable potential for various mechanosensory applications in different environments.

Original languageEnglish
Article number16963
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2017

Bibliographical note

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© 2017 The Author(s).


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