Pollen-mediated flow of bar gene in transgenic herbicide-resistant turf grass Zoysia japonica

Hong Gyu Kang, Ok Chul Chung, Tae Woong Bae, Hyeon Jin Sun, In Ja Song, Kee Woong Park, Pyung Ok Lim, Jaechun Lee, Yong Eok Lee, Pill Soon Song, Hyo Yeon Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Weed control can be most effectively achieved through the use of herbicide-resistance transgene. A preliminary study bar-transgenic Zoysia japonica posed no serious risk on the unintended escape of the transgene from its cultivation site. The present follow-up investigation of the dispersion of pollen and its short-distance escape outside of the bar-transgenic Zoysia japonica habitats were ascertained in terms of environmental factors affecting anthesis and pollen viability. In a 24-h day cycle, zoysiagrass pollen was released predominantly between 08:00 and 10:00, and the pollen was most viable during the same time interval. Optimal temperature and humidity for pollen viability was 15–20 °C and 80–90%, respectively. The pollen germinated in 120 min after anthesis, but under cloudy conditions germination time doubled. No differences in pollen viability/longevity between the transgenic and non-transgenic plants were observed. The pollen-mediated gene flow of transgenic Zoysia japonica to wild-type non-transgenic zoysiagrass species was monitored by measuring the cross-over rate of the bar gene in the context of three different models. At distances within 5 m, the rate of gene flow ranged from 3 to 5.7% according to the models used. The greater the distance from the transgenic plant site, the lower the gene flow rate. The furthest transgene detected was 38 m away and exhibited a 0.25% gene flow rate. The radial model yielded a 3.7% escape rate within a 3 m radius and was wind direction dependent. The distance- and direction-dependent gene flow events were influenced by wind direction and velocity during flowering season.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)241-250
Number of pages10
JournalPlant Biotechnology Reports
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021, Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology.


  • Gene flow
  • Herbicide-resistant
  • Transgenic zoysiagrass
  • Turfgrass
  • Zoysia japonica


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