Effect of annealing field orientation on GMI profiles in Co-based amorphous ribbon

S. S. Yoon, C. G. Kim, K. J. Jang, Y. H. Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


The giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) is studied as function of annealing-field angle θk in Co66 Fe4NiB14Si15 ribbon with respect to transverse direction. The GMI profile at 10 MHz shows two peaks located at negative and positive external field H. The interval between two peaks, about 2.1 Oe for θk= 0°, slightly increases with θk up to θk = 30° and then decreases down to 1.0 Oe for θk = 90°. However, two peaks are asymmetric and hysteresis exists during cyclic magnetization. The asymmetry ratio, fractional difference of two peaks, is maximum about 2% for θk = 10° and its sign is reversed from θk = 40°.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2872-2874
Number of pages3
JournalIEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Issue number5 I
StatePublished - Sep 2000
Event2000 International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2000) - Toronto, Ont, Canada
Duration: 9 Apr 200012 Apr 2000

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Manuscript received February 14, 2000. This work was supported by the Korean Science and Engineering Foundation through the Research Center for Advanced Magnetic Materials at Chungnam National University. S. S. Yoon and Y. H. Lee are with the Department of Physics, Andong National University, Kyung-book, 760-749, Korea. C. G. Kim and G. J. Jang are with the Department of Physics, Sun Moon University, Chung-nam, 336-840, Korea. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9464(00)08935-4.


  • Amorphous ribbon
  • Anisotropy
  • Field annealing
  • Magnetoimpedance


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