Direct observation of dispersive kondo resonance peaks in a heavy-fermion system

H. J. Im, T. Ito, H. D. Kim, S. Kimura, K. E. Lee, J. B. Hong, Y. S. Kwon, A. Yasui, H. Yamagami

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63 Scopus citations


Ce 4d-4f resonant angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy was carried out to study the electronic structure of strongly correlated Ce 4f electrons in a quasi-two-dimensional nonmagnetic heavy-fermion system CeCoGe1.2Si0.8. For the first time, dispersive coherent peaks of an f state crossing the Fermi level, the so-called Kondo resonance, are directly observed together with the hybridized conduction band. Moreover, the experimental band dispersion is quantitatively in good agreement with a simple hybridization-band picture based on the periodic Anderson model. The obtained physical quantities, i.e., coherent temperature, Kondo temperature, and mass enhancement, are comparable to the results of thermodynamic measurements. These results manifest an itinerant nature of Ce 4f electrons in heavy-fermion systems and clarify their microscopic hybridization mechanism.

Original languageEnglish
Article number176402
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number17
StatePublished - 29 Apr 2008


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