Development of a Series Elastic Tendon Actuator (SETA) Based on Gait Analysis for a Knee Assistive Exosuit

Hee Don Lee, Heejin Park, Dae Han Hong, Tae Hun Kang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


An exosuit is a wearable robot that assists the muscular strength of a human that wears it by using multiple wires with similar functions to human muscles. This study focuses on the development of a series elastic tendon actuator (SETA) for the actuation of an exosuit. A gait analysis was performed for walking on stairs to deduce the design requirements of SETA, and the necessary performances were then determined based on these requirements. The SETA is designed to assign compliance to rigid wires using linear springs. The deformation in linear springs generated during tension was measured through an encoder to calculate the human robot interaction (HRI) force. By utilizing the HRI force as feedback of an admittance controller, the SETA was capable of providing wire tensions required by an exosuit. The performance of the SETA was verified through series elastic component (SEC) deformation and force control experiments. The SEC deformation increased from 0 to 3.86 mm when the wire tension increased from 0 to 100 N. This force controller demonstrated a slight vibration owing to the mechanical properties of the springs constituting the SEC during the step input; however, the value gradually converged to 100 N. The developed SETA was applied to an exosuit system for supporting knee strength of the elderly when walking on stairs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number166
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2022

Bibliographical note

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© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


  • actuator module
  • exosuit
  • series elastic actuator
  • tendon-driven actuator
  • wearable robot
  • wire-driven actuator


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