Cortical activation by fNIRS and fMRI during grasping in patient with traumatic brain injury: A case study

Sang Hyeon Jin, Seung Hyun Lee, Gwang Hee Jang, Yoo Jung Lee, Jinung An, Yang Soo Lee

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

7 Scopus citations


This study is to observe the cortical activation pattern by fNIRS and fMRI during grasping in patient with TBI. PMA, SMA, M1, and S1 were focused on the analysis of cortical activations. The measured BOLD and HbR signals were t-statistically analyzed using SPM and NIRS-SPM, respectively. The results showed that contralateral M1 and SM1 were mainly activated during non-affected hand(left) grasping in both fNIRS and fMRI (fNIRS: p<0.05, fMRI: p<0.001). The SMA was activated with non-affected hand(left) movements after fMRI analysis. On the other hand, the ipsilateral M1 and SM1 was activated with the affected hand(right) movements(fNIRS: p<0.05, fMRI: p<0.001). fNIRS revealed similar cerebral cortical activation to fMRI. As expected, fNIRS could be a powerful candidate of brain mapping of TBI patients.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2014
Event2014 International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface, BCI 2014 - Gangwon, Korea, Republic of
Duration: 17 Feb 201419 Feb 2014


Conference2014 International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface, BCI 2014
Country/TerritoryKorea, Republic of


  • Mapping
  • Motor task
  • TBI
  • component
  • fMRI
  • fNIRS


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