- 2015 Ph.D., POSTECH
- 2009 B.S., POSTECH
- 2015 - 2016 BrainKorea Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, POSTECH
- 2016 - 2018 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- 2018-present Assistant Professor, Department of New Biology, DGIST
- Liquid-liquid phase separation
- Super-resolution optical microscopy
- Single-molecule biophysics
- Spatial multi-omics
- Jeong, S., Widengren, J., Lee, J.-C., "Fluorescent Probes for STED Optical Nanoscopy," Nanomaterials, 12, 21 (2022).
- Niaki, A. G., Sarkar, J., Cai, X., Rhine, K., Vidaurre, V., Guy, B., Hurst, M., Lee, J.-C., Koh, H. R., Guo, L., Fare, C. M., Shorter, J., Myong, S., "Loss of Dynamic RNA Interaction and Aberrant Phase Separation Induced by Two Distinct Types of ALS/FTD-Linked FUS Mutations," Molecular Cell, 77, 82 (2020).
- Lee, J.-C., Ma, Y., Han, K. Y., Ha, T., "Accurate background subtraction in STED nanoscopy by polarization switching," ACS Photonics, 6, 1789 (2019).
- Lee, J.-C., Lim, H.-T., Hong, K.-H., Jeong YC, Kim, M. S., Kim, Y.-H., "Experimental demonstration of delayed-choice decoherence suppression," Nature Commun. 5, 4522 (2014).
- *Kim, Y.-S., *Lee, J.-C., Kwon, O., Kim, Y.-H., "Protecting entanglement from decoherence using weak measurement and quantum measurement reversal," Nature Phys. 8, 117 (2012).